Words From the Founder

Words From the Founder

My name is Jasper Mutale – founder of Nsansa Village Community Development Mission.

In 2006 I had a dream where I saw a lot of children on top of a big mountain, which was surrounded by massive water that had killed their families and homes. These children, who had barely escaped the waves to climb the Mountain,  were calling out to me saying “You! Please come and rescue us! We have no mother and father… they have all been swept by the storms”. I remember in the dream I started swimming towards the children to rescue them  from the Mountain, but as I reached  the middle of the waters heavy storms arose and I screamed to the children saying “I will not make it, the storms are too heavy”. Suddenly I saw that the children had miraculously disappeared from the mountain and so was I from the waters. I found the orphan children and started giving them milk and bread in the bush. As I did this I heard a voice saying “Go to Chongwe and rescue the children”.
The dream happened while I was working in Northmead to Chilulu area where we were rescuing women in prostitution through transformation programs, while I lived in Hope Foundation House working for our former first Lady Vera Chiluba.
After this I started organizing five clinics, sports links, education programs and tree planting in Chongwe. This is 9 years ago and are still going on  in our Chongwe Chibombo Case. During that time I put together Nsansa Group Community in Lusaka for street children. This became a home for now around 60 street children with bunkbeds, food, clothes, basic education, skills training and discipleship at church. This gives the children love, care and a hope for a better future. 

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